So, It has been about two months since I have written in this blog. Lots happening. I’ve decided to start compartmentalizing certain aspects of my life and I have decided to start a new blog that is dealing with my personal journey towards SMART living – how I am learning to cope with depression, anxiety, and PTSD. I will link my posts from that blog here, that way I can make this blog be more about our family as a whole.

S.M.A.R.T. Living

A year ago I started a personal goal challenge  that I worked on for about two weeks.   I became overwhelmed with my life and the task of daily living became daunting.    If you are familiar with my other blog, Coloring Outside The Lines then you are familiar with my struggle with depression and anxiety.  Recently my psychiatrist added PTSD and Mood Disorder to the list.  I recently had an experience with a shovel that has me evaluating and redefining my life.  Through the love of my husband, and those that care about me I am starting a journey towards gaining peace and learning to live life meaningfully.

Something that I feel strongly about is that whatever your religious beliefs are each of us in this spectrum of humanity have a desire to become better people.

Over a year ago I had the following conversation with my husband…

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