I am learning to let go, even when I really don’t want to.

S.M.A.R.T. Living

Part of seeking treatment for my PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, and Mood Disorders is taking responsibility for my own part in my recovery. I have a very hard time letting go. Letting go of emotions, people, memories, and even things.


My daughter made this beautiful piece of art. It is a tree in the midst of Autumn. I knew it would add to our clutter, but I felt guilty throwing it away. If I kept every piece off kids art work my house would look – um never mind it is already there.

Part of “SMART Living” to me means accepting responsibility. Two weeks ago I would have said my house is filled with clutter. Today I stand up and with utter embarrassment and admit that I have a problem.

I hoard. I grasp and cling to items that bring back warm memories. I have multiples off the same item because…

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